When peace breaks out,
There’s panic in the newsrooms.
What will they say?
What will they report?
How will they go on
Without the endless carnage
Death and destruction
And under-the-table payments
For promoting propaganda?
At the break of peace,
Our leaders will run for the bunkers
Frothing at the mouth with fury
Grinding their teeth,
Losing their hair
Because of the real fuel crisis they’ve tried to avoid
No excuses for the next invasion
Much-needed regime change
Proxy war
Who can they sell arms to now?
At the break of peace,
The tunes will be changed
Hypocrisy will be laid bare
For the world to see
As our leaders are forced to show their hands
What are they good for?
How much do they care?
What can they do, now
That their excuses have been removed?
The break of peace will lift the veil
Hyenas will show their teeth,
As they run around for scraps
Ripped off the flesh of the innocent
While the lions sleep,
And the people stay out of the way
Wondering where their next meal will come from
At the break of peace,
Emergency meetings will happen in secret
To find ways to end the crisis
Journalists, politicians and funded groups
Will conspire to find ways to
Return to business as usual
Bring back the cash cow
Sound the alarm
Let trading begin
At the break of peace,
The people won’t celebrate
Their lives won’t get easier
Injustice will still thrive
Wages won’t cover household bills
And the usual suspects
Will still be scapegoated
By the usual suspects
Fear not the outbreak of peace.
It won’t last long.
(C) Martin Morrison 2024
It is the last day of 2024, and nothing has changed. The world is still standing by and doing nothing as injustice prevails. Western governments still conspire with the so-called free press to spread lies. Our ‘allies’ in the Middle East have a free pass to carry out genocide, ethnic cleansing, and land grabs. If you thought apartheid died with the old South African regime, think again. It’s alive and kicking sponsored by the likes of America, the UK, and other European countries.
More conversations with Jewish friends, clients and associates from around the world, including Israel, have convinced me that calls for a ceasefire and an end to the current apartheid system of Israel are not antisemitic.
I write because I can, and out of a sense of duty to use my voice to promote justice. As a ghostwriter, I must show who I am to attract clients who share my perspective. If you are a kindred spirit, get in touch.
This year marked the start of a new book journey, collaborating with a Palestinian in the West Bank. I hope his book is read and shared extensively across the globe. As sad as I am about the state of the world, I sense a change in global consciousness, and that gives me a sense of hope and optimism for the future.
Peace may break out after all, and may it last for at least a few lifetimes.